Sunday, 10 January 2010

Broken Hearts

It's too cold to do anything much except stay in and watch bad TV and after finishing my brother's quilt I just wasn't in the mood to tackle anything big so I've been playing with a few more Broken Heart blocks. One day I'll have enough to make a sofa throw or something.

Obviously these have alternate pairs!


  1. they are beautiful! I love the orange and blue one.

  2. They look like fun to make. I need to do more "playing round" creative things.

  3. They are my fall back when I can't be bothered to do anything 'real' and a great way to use up odd bits of batting and bogglingly tasteless fabric. :)

  4. Hi Kathy! Ally sent me your blog URL, and I'm so glad to see that you're still quilting! I love these broken hearts. Oh, and Teazle's coat of many colors is fantastic -- where did you find the pattern?
