Wednesday, 4 April 2007

My computer is dead

My poor laptop died a horrible death and doesn't look like it will be salvageable.

I'm using my husband's work machine while he's here today but after that it's back being 'puterless until either mine gets fixed or we can save enough money for a new one, which won't be happening any time soon given the state of our finances.

I'll pop on as often as I can when he's home.


  1. Oh, you poor thing. I hope you didn't lose any files.

  2. I am so sorry! Funny how dependent on our computers we get- I guess if there's an upside, it's that you'll have one less thing distracting you from creating.
    I have a fiber card ready to send you, it should be on its way by Friday. Hopefully it will send a bit of cheer!
