Monday, 6 November 2006

I'm back

Disney was fantastic and I'll post some pictures very soon. Things got rather hectic getting the boys back to school and stuff and then we got caught up with a baby hedgehog that we rescued from the dogs. It's tiny and far too small to hibernate so is living in a large plastic box in the computer room. Photos of the cute little chappie will be coming soon too.

Sadly quilting news is nil, I have projects stacked up and waiting and nothing has been done at all. :(


  1. Hope that little hedgehog survives!! Looking forward to seeing a photo. He's lucky you found him! Glad Disney was fun!

  2. Ahhhh, can't wait to see the little guy! Hope he lives!

  3. Poor little hedgehog! Baby hedgehogs are cute, so I'm glad his safe.

  4. Sounds like you need to book yourself some time to play :) Good luck with the hedgehog.
