The Steam a Seam came and so I've finished fusing all the dog blocks. They still need to be blanket stitched and of course with the Brother out of action I'm a bit stuck so that's on the back burner again.
The Speed Control for the Pfaff finally arrived. It replaces the foot pedal with an on/off switch and speed dial so that I don't have to squeeze the foot pedal by hand when the machine is on the frame. I've not had chance to properly trial it but I think it will be a godsend, I was getting awful pain and cramping in my hands after about 20 minutes and was having to stop and take a break. Hopefully this will make a difference.
I'm praying the weather in Disneyland Paris won't be too rainy. Cold is OK but wet would be horrible.
MIL is in charge of the dogs for a week. Hopefully they will all survive the experience. She does have a tendency to forget things like walks and food but they are pretty good at reminders!!!
This is Y trying hard to pull the same face as the pumpkin on our previous visit 3 years ago.

The boys looking slightly self conscious with Pooh Bear.

The fantastic face paint at the Halloween Party.

See you in a week.